Fumed Veneer
Fumed wood undergoes a process that darkens the fibers and enhances the natural grain. The process utilizes a vacuum technology where wood enters a chamber exposing it to ammonia gas. This process takes about 3-4 weeks to complete.
Wood must contain tannin for this process. Tannin is responsible for the color and natural stains present in roots, wood, and bark. The exact concentrations of colors depend on the amount of tannin present. These colors can vary from lighter browns to deep blacks. Fumed veneer is also known to have more smoothness and flexibility.
Fumed veneer is popular among many designers and is most commonly seen in cabinetry, furniture, and commercial space wall paneling.
Dyed Veneer
Natural dyed veneer was created for those that seek wood veneer that is natural but must coordinate with specific shades or colors. Natural dyed veneer offers many possibilities and is very easy to work with.
Natural dyed veneer is dyed using special technology that is applied to the substrate. The veneer undergoes bleaching and purification, which works to remove chemical and toxic components from the wood. The veneer is then immersed in the dye solution. This process ensures a consistent depth of color throughout the veneer’s thickness.
Reasons for using natural dyed veneers:
Uniformity of color-Consistently match veneer throughout an entire project with the same shade
Keep wood’s natural beauty – The dye doesn’t change the wood, just highlight the grains that are there.
Natural dyed veneer is appealing to many designers who want to add personality and color to their space or design. It is easy to work with and can make a room stand out.
I love this natural dyed veneer. Does the veneer come on a 4×8 plywood sheet? I would like a white oak dyed the deep nave blue color right next to the black. Please advise. Thank you so much. And provide cost as well.
Very informative